reaching a different state of being.

Chloe Weston is a Canadian classical pianist from North Bay, Ontario who thrives with effervescent energy on stage sharing her love of music with audiences. A creative artist always excited about the next project she can create with friends, and colleagues - Chloe is on a heart-centered mission to share art and creativity with others through music - conjuring the magic of a shared, suspended moment in time together through live performance. Her compelling performances as soloist, chamber musician and collaborative pianist are driven by this pursuit for connection with others. Her musical endeavours collide with her “artivist” spirit and pursuit to connect across boundaries through her work as a teaching artist. Chloe is dedicated to curating music education and performance in communities close to home and abroad. She has travelled to perform across Canada, the United States, Germany, France, Italy and Spain.

Recent performance highlights include a special homecoming performance of Mozart’s piano concerto no. 21 with Dr. Josh Wood and the North Bay Symphony Orchestra featuring new cadenzas written for her by Mark Limacher, as well as a collaboration with pianist Kyung-A Lee and the Cellar Singers led by Mitchell Pady in a performance of Brahms’ Ein Deutsche Requiem in Orillia.

Chloe enjoys fostering musical education through her work as a teaching artist in residencies with the Festival of the Sound’s Music Scores Outreach program in Parry Sound, Ontario as well as in masterclasses and music festivals for young musicians in the north. Chloe is constantly searching for more ways to serve new communities and found an incredible artistic partner in Xenia Concerts, an organization committed to curating Adaptive Concerts designed to be family-friendly events that embrace neurodiversity and disability. Her desire to uplift and support others through music also led her to collaborate with Dr. Shulamit Mor in a duo piano performance at the High Notes Avante 10th anniversary Gala for Mental Health in Richmond Hill this spring.

Chloe’s musical journey began with ballet, disney and musical theatre, but the piano and its vast possibilities captivated her at age 10 and it has become her lifelong companion. The endless opportunities to learn and explore through the world of music is so exciting and drives her to continue on her artistic path.

Chloe holds degrees in solo piano performance from the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University (Performance Diploma) where she studied with Evelyne Brancart, and the Don Wright Faculty of Music at Western University (Bachelors and Masters Degrees) where she studied with Dr. Leslie Kinton and Stéphan Sylvestre. She has participated in masterclasses and festivals across the globe that have further enriched her musical knowledge and have given her the privilege to learn from many wonderful mentors and collaborators.